If you’re a Community Festival

When your Community Festival needs activities, a mural is a fantastic addition.  A mural is highly visual—it's great "eye candy".  It brings a very warm-and-fuzzy sentiment—having kids, parents, teens and seniors all paint or color together.  And it's a high-throughput activity—a mural can accommodate dozens of people at a time, and hundreds of people throughout your event day.

Product Recommendations

Single-Use Tarp
These are the most common product for Community Festivals.  The mural comes to you in one piece, grommeted like a regular banner, and can be a free-standing activity with the use of our rental stand.

Table-Size Coloring Sheets
These are great for smaller budget situations.  Just put Table Sheets out on 8' tables with crayons, and you have an activity area.  Lots of people can color at a time, and it takes much longer than you'd think to finish them.  They're also great to display after the event, or perhaps give to your event sponsors as a "Thank You" that they can hang at their business.

Rollable Wipeable Plastic
These make sense if you have an event that lasts more than a few of days, if you'd like to reuse a mural at your event for several years, or if you have a several of events throughout the year that could use the same designs.

Thoughts on How to Use Them

A Mural is a Great Sponsorship Activation Activity

Most of our festival clients find a business, or several businesses, to sponsor their mural. We can place full-color event and sponsor logos into the design, along with headline text.

Obviously, when you arrange the sponsor, we speak to you and not directly to that business.  But in the instances where businesses contact us directly to buy, they give us great reports on a mural as a sponsorship activation activity. They love the warm-and-fuzzy nature of the activity. They love that lots of age groups come paint together. They love the "stickyness" factor—that people stick around long enough for product pitches, samples, etc.

How Can We Customize Your Design?

We have HUNDREDS of designs and themes to choose from for our 'stock design' price point. Or, if you'd to customize, we can mix and match characters from one design into another. We can add your full-color logos and big headline text.

Reusable vs. Single-Use Materials

Most community festivals opt for our Single-Use Tarps, as they like the mural to represent this year's theme, title, and sponsors. However, if there's a design theme that would work multiple years, consider one of our Wipeable murals, where you can get a mural that you can reuse day-to-day for several years.  In this case, your mural sponsor(s) can get multiple years from their investment.  (Or...  See the next section to switch sponsors year-to-year on a Wipeable mural.)

Switching Sponsors Year-To-Year on Your Wipeable Mural

Here's an idea for getting fresh sponsorship dollars every year. We usually incorporate sponsor logos on a "signboard" within the design.  We can create the logo portion---within the sign---to be a removable piece. Then next year, we can print you a new logo piece to replace it.  It would be printed of the same material, with a velcro attachment.